The Job of Venturing into the unknown…


The Venture OS

The Venture Operating System is the concatenation of the tools, the tactics, the techniques for those venturing into unknown territory. Get your venturing act together.

The Essence

We start deep in the soil-with the founder, the guardian of the garden, the architect of the vision. The Essence is you, It’s not about the product or the business. This is your introspection, your preparation before venturing into parenthood.

This is about your ability to carry an entity to full term. The crucial determination of internal desirability, viability, feasibility, adaptability. This is the place where you ask yourself: Am I Good Soil? And if not, what do I need to do to become good soil.

This is the difference between victory and victimry. The genetic encoding from which everything else flows.

The Existence


For the idea to exist in reality, dreams to morph into substance, seed into seedling. It starts deep in the needs and desires of those you seek to serve. You are responsible for the change you seek to make in their lives.  This is where you intentionally design for value. You craft, curate, create value through a jobs-to-be-done lens, with value proposition as a design. This is your inception, where you become a life. This is not about growth yet, this is about a pure unadulterated, value-laden existence.


The Entity


You’ve engineered an idea into a solution. The solution gives you the right to play, but not the right to win. Now it’s time to engineer a great organization to wrap around that great solution.

The Entity Dimension is where you wrap your value proposition in a suit of systems, structures, and processes. For you don’t ride the engine, you drive the car. These systems are what create the dynamic organism, that breathes, moves, and lives in the real world. It’s the entity that actualizes the movement of value. 

The Orchestra

To understand the context within which your entity lives, breathes and moves It’s now time to zoom out and get good at strategically choreographing the macro elements of your environment. Key trends, market shifts, social patterns, technological advancements- all have ramifications on the reality of your thrivability.

With an eye to the future and another to the current. You will SWOT your entity and blue ocean your strategy and prototype new models and scenario plan your future. Business is not about playing a single instrument, it’s about conducting an orchestra.